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Michelle Karkalik


Is our government , the Biden Administration as well at the Obama Administration of the past , ANTIFA and BLM, are all these people turning America upside down by making us a Marxist/Communist to be country?

The answer is a BIG YES!!!!

Here is some history on Marxism. I believe you will see a very familiar picture. This is what is happening to America.

Marxism - What it is and ANTIFA and BLM - how all of this is infiltrating the USA by ways of the Democratic Socialist Party running our country.

What Is Marxism?

Marxism in Simple Terms

If you live in America, you know how it works under a capitalist system, meaning there are different socioeconomic classes. You may hear these classes called upper, middle, and lower class. However, you might also hear words like blue-collar worker, working poor, white-collar worker, etc. All these different terms define where someone stands on their society’s socioeconomic ladder. Some classes struggle, while others rule the corporate world.

To analyze and remove this struggle, Marxism came into play. To define Marxism in simple terms, it’s a political and economic theory where a society has no classes. Every person within the society works for a common good, and class struggle is theoretically gone. Sounds simple right? Not so much. Actually, many horror movies and dystopian books are written based on trying to create a classless, utopian society. Now that you know what Marxism is, explore where this theory came from.

Where Marxist Theory Came From

Facebook and Snapchat weren’t the first ideas to change a society. In fact, they were far from it. Ideas about changing a nation go back to Socrates and Aristotle. However, in the 1800s, you had Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Together, these two realized that many of people’s current struggles occurred due to the unfair treatment they received from those that held the power (owners and CEOs).

In an attempt to make the world a fairer and more perfect place, they drafted a manifesto called ‘The Communist Manifesto’. It was an attempt to explore the problems with capitalism and find a social and political theory to move beyond a capitalist society to one that benefits every member. The main points of Marxism include:

Capitalism is broken into two classes: workers and capitalists (proletariats and bourgeoisies).

Who are the Bourgeoisie:

A sociologically defined social class, especially in contemporary times, referring to people with a certain cultural and financial capital belonging to the middle or upper middle class: the upper (haute), middle (moyenne), and petty (petite) bourgeoisie (which are collectively designated "the bourgeoisie"); an affluent and often opulent stratum of the middle class as contrasted with the proletariat class.

Originally and generally, "those who live in the borough", that is to say, the people of the city (including merchants and craftsmen), as opposed to those of rural areas; in this sense, the bourgeoisie began to grow in Europe from the 11th century and particularly during the Renaissance of the 12th century (i.e., the onset of the High Middle Ages), with the first developments of rural exodus and urbanization.

A legally defined class of the Middle Ages to the end of the Ancien Régime (Old Regime) in French-speaking Europe, that of inhabitants' having the rights of citizenship and political rights in a city (comparable to the German term Bürgertum and Bürger; see also "Burgher", and to the British term "Burgess").

The "bourgeoisie" in its original sense is intimately linked to the existence of cities recognized as such by their urban charters (e.g., municipal charter, town privileges, German town law), so there was no bourgeoisie "outside the walls of the city" beyond which the people were "peasants" submitted to the stately courts and manorialism (except for the traveling "fair bourgeoisie" living outside urban territories, who retained their city rights and domicile).

In Marxist philosophy, the bourgeoisie is the social class that came to own the means of production during modern industrialization and whose societal concerns are the value of property and the preservation of capital to ensure the perpetuation of their economic supremacy in society.

Who are the Proletariats:

The proletariat are the social class of wage-earners, those members of a society whose only possession of significant economic value is their labour power (their capacity to work). A member of such a class is a proletarian.

Marxist philosophy considers the proletariat to be exploited under capitalism, forced to accept meagre wages in return for operating the means of production, which belong to the class of business owners, the bourgeoisie. Marx argued that this oppression gives the proletariat common economic and political interests that transcend national boundaries, impelling them to unite and take over power from the capitalist class, and eventually to create a communist society free from class distinctions.

Marx, used the term proletariat in his socio-political theory (Marxism) to describe a progressive working class untainted by private property and capable of revolutionary action to topple capitalism and abolish social classes, leading society to ever higher levels of prosperity and justice.

Marx defined the proletariat as the social class having no significant ownership of the means of production (factories, machines, land, mines, buildings, vehicles) and whose only means of subsistence is to sell their labor power for a wage or salary. Proletarians are wage-workers, while some (though not Marx himself) distinguish salaried workers as the salariat.

Marxist theory only vaguely defines the borders between the proletariat and adjacent social classes. In the socially superior, less progressive direction are the lower petty bourgeoisie, such as small shopkeepers, who rely primarily on self-employment at an income comparable to an ordinary wage. Intermediate positions are possible, where wage-labor for an employer combines with self-employment. In another direction, the lumpenproletariat or "rag-proletariat", which Marx considers a retrograde class, live in the informal economy outside of legal employment: the poorest outcasts of society such as beggars, tricksters, entertainers, buskers, criminals and prostitutes. Socialist parties have often argued over whether they should organize and represent all the lower classes, or only the wage-earning proletariat.

According to Marxism, capitalism is based on the exploitation of the proletariat by the bourgeoisie: the workers, who own no means of production, must use the property of others to produce goods and services and to earn their living. Workers cannot rent the means of production (e.g. a factory or department store) to produce on their own account; rather, capitalists hire workers, and the goods or services produced become the property of the capitalist, who sells them at market.

The second part, called capitalized surplus value, is used to renew or increase the means of production (capital), either in quantity or quality. The second and third parts are known as surplus value, the difference between the wealth the proletariat produce and the wealth they consume.

Marxists argue that new wealth is created through labor applied to natural resources. The commodities that proletarians produce and capitalists sell are valued not for their usefulness, but for the amount of labor embodied in them: for example, air is essential but requires no labor to produce, and is therefore free; while a diamond is much less useful, but requires hundreds of hours of mining and cutting, and is therefore expensive. The same goes for the workers' labor power: it is valued not for the amount of wealth it produces, but for the amount of labor necessary to keep the workers fed, housed, sufficiently trained, and able to raise children as new workers. On the other hand, capitalists earn their wealth not as a function of their personal labor, which may even be null, but by the juridical relation of their property to the means of production (e.g. owning a factory or farmland).

Marx argued that the proletariat would inevitably displace the capitalist system with the dictatorship of the proletariat, abolishing the social relationships underpinning the class system and then developing into a communist society in which "the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all.

Marx argued that each social class had its characteristic culture and politics. The socialist states stemming from the Russian Revolution championed an official version of proletarian culture.

This was quite different from the working-class culture of capitalist countries, which tend to experience "prole drift" (proletarian drift), in which everything inexorably becomes commonplace and commodified by means of mass production, mass selling, mass communication and mass education. Examples include best-seller lists, films, and music made to appeal to the masses, and shopping malls.

Those that control the corporations exploit workers and control society.

Eventually, workers will rise up to make everyone even and get rid of classes.

While the full theory of Marxism hasn’t made it to fruition in a government, there have been a few different government types based on Marxism including communism and socialism. Explore these three government theories.

Marxism vs. Communism vs. Socialism

Communism and socialism are both types of governments or theoretical governments born from Marxism. However, they vary in slightly different ways.

Marxism: Communism

At its core, communism opposes capitalism. In an effort to get rid of capitalism, communist governments, in theory, pay workers according to their ability and needs and remove capitalists by having a strong central government own all property publicly. One example of a current communist government is China.

However, much like any theory, communism can be taken to the extreme and become its own form of oppression for workers which goes against the ideals that Marxism envisions. One example is North Korea. While they are a communist country, their own visions and ways of thinking have been added to the theory. Additionally, the government leader takes more of the role of a monarch.

Marxism: Socialism.

Much like communism, socialism is a system of politics and economics with roots in Marxist ideals. In socialism, a central government owns all means of wealth, but individuals can still own property. Additionally, unlike the violent uprisings that can arise with communism, socialism typically occurs more organically through reforms and changes with an elected government. While a true socialist society doesn’t exist, a few close runner ups are Norway and Denmark. However, these governments still have capitalist sectors.

Marxist Theory Defined

At its center, Marxism was a theory created by Marx and Engels to create a classless society where workers were appreciated and worked to benefit the common good. While the true theory has never reached fruition, a few governments have tried through communism and socialism.

Explore how the theories of Marxism are opposite to capitalism by looking at examples of capitalism. You can even check out different types of governments.

Keep in mind: Marxist philosophies are on the rise in the West both as an economic system and cultural philosophy. Marxism particularly appeals to younger generations who are angered by income inequities and other forms of oppression. Marxism looks appealing, promising equality and fairness for the downtrodden. But unfortunately, its utopian vision is a mirage.

So you are wondering how ANTIFA and BLM for into all of this? George Soros has funded both of these group since they started acting up in America. His goal was to turn America upside down and in relaity make it a Communist Country. He knew if he paid these guys to do his durty work, they would do it!

As you have seen in the past few years ANTIFA and BLM make it a point to cause all sorts of undoing.

ANTIFA: Individuals involved in the antifa movement tend to hold anti-authoritarian, anti-capitalist, anti-fascist, and anti-state views, subscribing to a varied range of left-wing ideologies. A majority of adherents are anarchists, communists, and other socialists who describe themselves as revolutionaries, although some social democrats and others on the American Left.


In a Facebook post labeling Black Lives Matter as a Marxist movement, PragerU included a video interview with Carol Swain, a Black conservative and former professor at Vanderbilt and Princeton universities. She said, "Now, the founders of Black Lives Matter, they’ve come out as Marxists."

Swain alluded to Black Lives Matter’s three co-founders, who are still featured prominently on the group’s website — Patrisse Cullors, Alicia Garza and Opal Tometi. Their primary backgrounds are as community organizers, artists and writers. Swain, though, was referring to a newly surfaced interview Cullors did in 2015, where she said:

"We do have an ideological frame. Myself and Alicia, in particular, are trained organizers; we are trained Marxists. We are superversed on, sort of, ideological theories. And I think what we really try to do is build a movement that could be utilized by many, many Black folks."

Noting Cullors’ declaration of being Marxist trained, "one has to take that seriously: if the leadership says it is Marxist, then there's a good chance they are," said Russell Berman, a professor at Stanford University and a senior fellow at its conservative Hoover Institution who has written critically about Marxism.

But "this does not mean every supporter is Marxist — Marxists often have used ‘useful idiots.’ And a Marxist movement can be more or less radical, at different points in time.

Black Lives Matter’s "emphatic support for gender identity politics sets it apart from historical Marxism," and the goals listed on its website "do not appear to be expressly anti-capitalist, which would arguably be a Marxist identifier.

The Ideologies of ANTIFA and BLM in a Nutshell

Both ANTIFA and BLM have been in the news a lot lately, but very few people know what they are really about. I thought I would offer up this brief explanation.

Both ANTIFA and BLM are inspired by Leftwing Marxist teachings but they are not identical. ANTIFA is a ‘traditional’ Stalinist/Leninist Marxist revolutionary movement that seeks to create a Utopian Socialist state by creating a conflict between the working class and the capitalists through a class war. BLM is a Neo-Marxist revolutionary movement that seeks to create a Utopian socialist inspired world by creating multiple cleavages between races, ethnic groups, religions, and economic and cultural backgrounds through a race war. Both organizations seem similar in that they believe that for their Utopian visions of the future to take place the current system must be shattered and destroyed so that a new age of equality can begin.

The differences between ANTIFA and BLM are subtle but they are not insignificant.

Don’t be terribly surprised when you talk to your friends in ANTIFA and BLM and they do not share the above described ideological beliefs. Most Marxist movements do not spend a lot of time on ideological issues other than creating a basic belief system among followers that is inspirational and actionable. Most of the ANTIFA and BLM ‘activists’ you meet in the street know very little about their own movements. And that is how the leaders want it to stay.

Perhaps you would like to know more about the historical rise of these movements and more importantly the ideological underpinnings of both ANTIFA and BLM. I have tried to explain these things to people in the past only to see their eye’s glaze over. Most people are not interested in any of this stuff. Pity, I find it fascinating. I shall not attempt that here. If you are really interested feel free to do your own research!

Perhaps you don’t trust me — after all your friends in ANTIFA are talking about creating an anarchic state where people are free to do what they want when they want as they want with no one from the top telling anyone what to do, and your friends in BLM are telling you that its all about Black Lives and restitution and reparation of past wrongs. None of this Marxist stuff! Well again, feel free to go investigate on your own. Its all open and available for anyone who is curious enough to explore.

More pointedly you may suggest that the differences between ANTIFA and BLM that I described above are not really that important. This is something I will address.

Again, ANTIFA is based upon a traditional ideology of Stalinist/Leninist Marxism. BLM is based upon a more recent school of thought sometimes referred to as Neo-Marxism. Why these subtle differences are significant is because they create very different movements with very different goals and potential outcomes.

ANTIFA relies upon the old Marxist tactic of revolution through class warfare. After the revolution the means of production as well as the management of the state will be vested in the Dictatorship of the Proletariat insuring a fair and equitable future based upon science and progress!

BLM is based upon something different. Neo-Marxism grew out of the failures of traditional Marxist revolutions. Neo-Marxists acknowledge the past failures of Marxism but still believe in the underlying principals. Neo-Marxists declare that class warfare was a failure because it was not a strong enough division to base a societal revolution upon. Historically most of the working class ended up opposing the Communist Revolution and either actively supported the counter-revolution or simply refused to take sides. As such the Neo-Marxists have decided that there needs to be a more powerful basis to split society apart; race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, etc. are the cracks that allow them to divide and conquer. BLM in particular is based upon starting and winning a race war.

Thus the two movements believe in a very different tactics regarding the Revolution.

What makes the two movements even more different is their ultimate goals which are not compatible. ANTIFA sees the creation of a traditional Communist State run by the Party on egalitarian grounds without any future racial, ethnic, religious or other differences between peoples. BLM sees a very different world where the past oppressors are punished, preferably to extinction, and the new world will based upon those very racial, ethnic, and religious differences that are supposed to be eliminated in traditional Marxist ideology.

If ANTIFA gets what it wants the world will become a cool version of the Soviet Union with fewer tanks and all the comrades having the same high quality cellphone, Universal Basic Income, a 30 hour work week for those so inclined to work, etc. If BLM gets what it wants we are going to see a massive Cambodian style Killing Fields where anyone identified as being a member of an ‘oppressive’ race, ethnicity, religion, etc. will be liquidated to make room for those righteous few who remain. Remember, Pol Pot was one of the early Neo-Marxists.

Of the two groups ANTIFA is the least dangerous. They are not very well organized, their ideology is based upon a discredited Communist dogma, and their tactics are crude and unlikely to succeed. BLM on the other hand is very well organized, is very well funded, its core ideology is reprehensible but its public facade has the potential to be attractive to the uninformed, and their tactics are much more subtle and effective.

Keep in mind out of tht 90 Million dollars BLM got from all of its supporters, a vary large fraction of it goes tot he DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST PARTY ie the Democratic Party. Remember recently BLM Founder stated to Biden in so many words we helped you get elected, what about the promise you made to us!!!

There is a PDF version of the Manifesto.

Just looking at the all looks too familiar. Our country is in major trouble. The Younger generation thinks Marxism is Cool! They believe it's the way America should be but have no idea of the consequences of their actions.

History is repeating itself by manifesting in America!!!

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2 kommentarer

Billy McCutchan
18. jun. 2021

So very true MG. The youth of this nation doesn't truly know what is happening. Now with the CEO and Co founder of BLM resigning. I believe that some of them are finding out that they have been dupped. But will still go on. Though many are going after the BLMGP or something like that in a law suit. If what I hear is correct.

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Keith Brownmiller
03. jun. 2021


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